Mei Zhong Guo Ji Chu Guo Liu Xue Pei Xun Zhong Xin ( Dong An Bei Lu )


Building Mei Zhong Guo Ji Chu Guo Liu Xue Pei Xun Zhong Xin ( Dong An Bei Lu )

ShuYuanJie, Jinjiang Qu, Chengdu Shi, Sichuan Sheng, China, 610000

China Overseas International Center


An Office building with 1.171 Million square feet. First green activity in 2011.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 2 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy efficient design, water use reduction, sustainable site selection and development + 2 more

Green Projects
Silver Certified

Awards & Certifications


People/Organizations who worked on this building

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China Overseas International Center
registered on 02/28/2011
LEED CS 2009