563 Kamoku Street


Building 563 Kamoku Street

Honolulu, HI, USA

Iolani School Center for Applied Studies, Iolani School


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This building has a 3 year timeline with 3 green activities including a LEED Gold certification.


Iolani School Center for Applied Studies
registered on 03/26/2012
LEED Schools 2009
Iolani School
NCES Private Schools

Walk Score®: 83/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Owner Type(s) Educational: K-12 School, Private
Space Type(s) Educational Facilities, K-12
CBSA Honolulu, HI
USGBC Chapter Hawaii Chapter
EPA Region Pacific Southwest
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #1
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Medium metro
Utility Provider Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc.
Building Type K-12 School
Building Owner Iolani School
Label Year(s) 2013
Rating(s) 95
Year Constructed 1863
Number of Years Certified 1
Certification Years 2013
Score(s) 95
Property type K-12 School
Year constructed 1863
lowest grade taught Kindergarten
highest grade taught 12th grade
number of students 1859
type of school Regular School
religious orientation Episcopal
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