301 E Louis Glick Hwy


Building 301 E Louis Glick Hwy

Jackson, MI, USA

Jackson State Office Building


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 1 year timeline with 5 green activities.


Walk Score®: 91/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) Office
CBSA Jackson, MI
USGBC Chapter Detroit Regional Chapter
EPA Region Great Lakes
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #5
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Small metro
Utility Provider Consumers Energy Co.
Building Type Office
Building Owner State Of Michigan/Department of Management & Budget/OPS, State of Michigan - Department of Technology Management and Budget
Label Year(s) 2001, 2000
Rating(s) 82, 80
Year Constructed 1980
Number of Years Certified 2, 3
Certification Years 2000, 2001, 2000, 2001, 2023
Score(s) 80, 82, 80, 82, 77
Property type Office
Year constructed 1980, 1982
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