2845 Greenbrier Rd


Building 2845 Greenbrier Rd

Green Bay, WI, USA

Aurora Bay Care Medical Center, Aurora BayCare Medical Center, Aurora Baycare Med Ctr


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This building has a 2 year timeline with 2 green activities.


Aurora BayCare Medical Center
reported on 04/16/2014
2013 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition
Aurora Bay Care Medical Center
reported on 04/23/2013
2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition


Building Details

CBSA Green Bay, WI
USGBC Chapter Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
EPA Region Great Lakes
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Medium metro
building owner BayCare Aurora LLC, Aurora BayCare Medical Center
organization Aurora Health Care
year built 2001
energy starting weight in kbtusqft 467, 457.3
energy final weight in kbtusqft 458, 486
reduction energy use 1.8%, -6.30%
ghg emissions prevented in mtcoe 651, -1,392
energy cost savings #N/A, ($538,753)
number of beds 132
hospital type Short Term
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