4254 Colonial Ave


Building 4254 Colonial Ave

Roanoke, VA, USA

North Cross Middle School, North Cross School


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This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.


North Cross Middle School
registered on 11/24/2008
LEED for Schools 2007
North Cross School
NCES Private Schools

Walk Score®: 55/100


Building Details

Owner Type(s) Profit Org.
Space Type(s) K-12
CBSA Roanoke, VA
USGBC Chapter Southwest Virginia Chapter
EPA Region Mid-Atlantic
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #4
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Medium metro
Utility Provider Appalachian Power Co.
lowest grade taught Prekindergarten
highest grade taught 12th grade
number of students 466
type of school Regular School
religious orientation Episcopal
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