1300 S Fort St


Building 1300 S Fort St

Detroit, MI, USA

Michigan Refining Division, Michigan Refiningdivision Detroit Refinery, MICHIGAN REFININGDIVISION DETROIT REFINERY


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This building has a 10 year timeline with 7 green activities.


reported on 08/13/2016
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2015)
Michigan Refiningdivision Detroit Refinery
reported on 01/01/2013
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2013)
Michigan Refiningdivision Detroit Refinery
reported on 01/01/2012
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2012)
Michigan Refiningdivision Detroit Refinery
reported on 01/01/2011
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2011)
Michigan Refiningdivision Detroit Refinery
reported on 01/01/2010
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2010)
Michigan Refining Division - Energy Star Certified 2007
awarded on 01/01/2007
Energy Star Petroleum Refinery
Michigan Refining Division - Energy Star Certified 2007
awarded on 01/01/2007
Energy Star Petroleum Refinery

Walk Score®: 18/100


Building Details

CBSA Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI
USGBC Chapter Detroit Regional Chapter
EPA Region Great Lakes
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large central metro
Utility Provider Detroit Edison Co.
Building Type Petroleum Refinery
Building Owner Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Property Manager N/A
Label Year(s) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Rating(s) N/A
Year Constructed N/A
Number of Years Certified 6, 7
Certification Years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2022
Score(s) N/A
Property type Petroleum Refinery
industry type sectors Petroleum Product Suppliers,Refineries
total reported direct emissions in metric tons co2e 634,929 , 723,565 , 737,512 , 867,370
note Emissions data reported to EPA as of 8/18/2014
ghg quantity reported metric tons co2 884668
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