1801 East Cotati Avenue


Building 1801 East Cotati Avenue

Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, USA

Technology High, Sonoma State Student Recreation Center, Sonoma State Salazar Hall + 3 more


A building with 117,942 square feet. First green activity in 2006.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 6 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy efficient design and energy efficient operations.

Green Projects
Award - Best HVAC Design
Award - Best Lighting Design
Award - Best Overall Sustainable Design
Case Study (3)

People/Organizations who worked on this building

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Environmental Tech. Center Sonoma State
reported on 01/14/2014
Case Study
NBI Getting to Zero 2014
Environmental Tech. Center Sonoma State
reported on 08/13/2013
Case Study
BuildingGreen Case Study
Environmental Tech Center Sonoma State
reported on 01/01/2013
Case Study
NBI Getting to Zero 2012
Sonoma State Campus Lighting Study
reported on 01/01/2006
Award - Best Lighting Design
UC Berkeley Best Practice Awards
Sonoma State Student Recreation Center
reported on 01/01/2006
Award - Best Overall Sustainable Design
UC Berkeley Best Practice Awards
Sonoma State Salazar Hall
reported on 01/01/2006
Award - Best HVAC Design
UC Berkeley Best Practice Awards
Technology High
NCES Public Schools