1575 I St NW


Building 1575 I St NW

Washington, DC, USA

1575 Eye Street, 1575 Eye Street (DDOE)


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This building has a 5 year timeline with 13 green activities.


1575 Eye Street
reported on 04/01/2015
2014 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition
1575 Eye Street (DDOE)
reported on 12/17/2014
DC Private Building Benchmarking (2013)
1575 Eye Street (DDOE)
reported on 01/01/2011
DC Private Building Benchmarking 2011

Walk Score®: 98/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) Office
CBSA Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
USGBC Chapter National Capital Region Chapter
EPA Region Mid-Atlantic
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #4
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large central metro
Utility Provider Potomac Electric Power Co.
Building Type Office
Building Owner Duwaliya Real Estate, Inc.
Property Manager Cushman && Wakefield
Label Year(s) 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
Rating(s) 87, 84, 84, 84, 85, 85, 85
Year Constructed 1979
Number of Years Certified 10
Certification Years 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 , 2020 , 2021
Score(s) 85 , 85 , 85 , 84 , 84 , 84 , 87 , 76 , 76 , 79
Property type Office
Year constructed 1979
site eui kbtuft2 65.5
weather normalized eui 212
energy star score 84, 83
total ghg emissions mtco2e 1939.69
electricity use purchased and onsite kwh 4014515
dc real property id 1990831
owner of record 1575 Eye Street Associates
year built 1979
reported building gross floor area in ft2 209,252
site eui in kbtuft2 64.5
weather normalized source eui in kbtuft2 202.4
total ghg emissions in metric tons co2e 1708.2
total ghg emissions intensity in kgco2eft2 8.2
electricity use grid purchase and generated onsite in kwh 3953426
other fuel use 0
water use kgal 3958.7
metered areas Whole Building
organization Carr Properties
energy starting weight in kbtusqft 193.7
energy final weight in kbtusqft 193.8
reduction energy use 0%
ghg emissions prevented in mtcoe -0.9
energy cost savings 0
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