1999 South 25th East


Building 1999 South 25th East

Ammon, ID, USA

Staples - 1999 South 25th East - Ammon, 00470


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 5 year timeline with 2 green activities.


00470 - Energy Star Certified 2017
awarded on 01/01/2017
Energy Star Retail Store
Staples - 1999 South 25th East - Ammon
reported on 09/19/2013
Partner: 100% Green Power
EPA Green Power Partnership Staples


Building Details

CBSA Idaho Falls, ID
USGBC Chapter Idaho Chapter
EPA Region Pacific Northwest
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Small metro
Utility Provider PacifiCorp.
Building Type Retail Store
Building Owner Staples Inc.
Label Year(s) 2017
Rating(s) 76
Year Constructed 1998
Number of Years Certified 1
Certification Years 2017
Score(s) 76
Property type Retail Store
Year constructed 1998
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