226 Opportunity Parkway


Building 226 Opportunity Parkway

Akron, OH, USA

City Of Akron Steam Generating, City of Akron Steam Generating


First green activity in 2010.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 5 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy performance disclosure.

Green Projects
GHG Emissions Reported (5)

People/Organizations who worked on this building

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No one is associated yet.


City of Akron Steam Generating
reported on 08/13/2016
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2015)
City Of Akron Steam Generating
reported on 01/01/2013
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2013)
City Of Akron Steam Generating
reported on 01/01/2012
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2012)
City Of Akron Steam Generating
reported on 01/01/2011
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2011)
City Of Akron Steam Generating
reported on 01/01/2010
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2010)