115 Batman Street


Building 115 Batman Street

West Melbourne VIC, Australia

Norman Disney & Young (Melbourne) Fitout of 115 Batman Street


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has an 8 year timeline with 5 green activities.


115 Batman Street
reported on 03/15/2015
Green Building Tour Location
Green Cities 2015 Site Tours
115 Batman Street
reported on 07/29/2011
Case Study
City of Melbourne 1200 Buildings Case Studies
Norman Disney & Young (Melbourne) Fitout of 115 Batman Street
awarded on 08/18/2010
5 Star Green Star
Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1
115 Batman Street
awarded on 06/01/2010
5 Star Green Star
Green Star - Office As Built v2
115 Batman Street
awarded on 11/20/2008
5 Star Green Star
Green Star - Office Design v2