2552 Kalakaua Ave


Building 2552 Kalakaua Ave

Honolulu, HI, USA

Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa

Walk Score®: 74/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) Lodging
CBSA Honolulu, HI
USGBC Chapter Hawaii Chapter
EPA Region Pacific Southwest
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #1
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Medium metro
Utility Provider Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc.
Building Type Hotel
Building Owner W2005 WKI Realty, LLC
Property Manager Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa
Label Year(s) 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004
Rating(s) 81, 76, 78, 80
Year Constructed 1973
Number of Years Certified 4
Certification Years 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2008
Score(s) 80 , 78 , 76 , 81
Property type Hotel
Year constructed 1973
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