18743 470Th Avenue


Building 18743 470Th Avenue

Estelline, ND, 57234, USA

Northern Border Pipeline Estelline Cs#11


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 4 year timeline with 4 green activities.


Northern Border Pipeline Estelline Cs#11
reported on 01/01/2013
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2013)
Northern Border Pipeline Estelline Cs#11
reported on 01/01/2012
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2012)
Northern Border Pipeline Estelline Cs#11
reported on 01/01/2011
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2011)
Northern Border Pipeline Estelline Cs#11
reported on 01/01/2010
GHG Emissions Reported
EPA GHG Reporting Program (2010)


Building Details

USGBC Chapter South Dakota Chapter
EPA Region Mountains and Plains
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Noncore (nonmetropolitan)
Utility Provider H-D Electric Coop, Inc.
industry type sectors Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
total reported direct emissions in metric tons co2e 100,758 , 117,299 , 115,602 , 114,500
note Emissions data reported to EPA as of 8/18/2014
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