Report: Performance Based Measures of Office Commuting

100 Montgomery Street #600
San Francisco, CA, USA
Enovity Office
awarded on 10/28/2009
Gold Certified
LEED CI 2.0 32 pts
1 Cyclotron Road
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
LBNL Advanced Light Source User Support
awarded on 02/01/2012
Gold Certified
LEED NC 2.2 42 pts
Mission Towers II
Mission Towers II, 3979 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Mission Towers II
awarded on 04/25/2012
Platinum Cer...
LEED EB 2008 69 pts
One Market Plaza
1 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, USA
One Market Plaza
awarded on 09/20/2012
Gold Certified
LEED EB 2009 67 pts
Autodesk Steuart Tower - 4th Flr
awarded on 01/25/2013
Platinum Cer...
LEED CI 2009 87 pts
555 Mission Street #300
San Francisco, CA, USA
awarded on 09/23/2010
Gold Certified
LEED CI 2009 61 pts
6210 Stoneridge Mall Road #250
Pleasanton, CA, USA
Aggressor at PCC
awarded on 06/07/2011
Silver Certi...
LEED CI 2009 57 pts
3975 Freedom Cir
Santa Clara, CA, USA
KPMG Silicon Valley
awarded on 08/17/2012
Silver Certi...
LEED CI 2009 52 pts